
I have been in kind of foul mood today!

I'm actually really good at warning my hubby. Lol

He asked me if I knew why? I told him no, but the truth is that I do know.

I was thinking about Halloween one year ago today. I had been away from home for 4 weeks trying to get my Aunt taken care of after my Uncle's death. Sleeping with a hammer under my pillow due to the constant fear of my psychotic cousin trying to get back into the house. He had threatened to kill me several times.

One year ago tomorrow, I collapsed in a Walgreens and had to go by ambulance to the ER.

Turned out to be a full blown anxiety attack. Something that was never in my vocabulary! I couldn't believe that it happened!! I have always been a Rock!!

Although that particular event has been the only one, the anxiety rears it ugly head from time to time. Usually when I was driving to visit my mother.

So tonight, I guess I just have the blues.

Wondering if any of you experience the same emotion??

Happy Halloween!!

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xray - I never had anxiety as bad as you to the point of collapsing. It must be horrible to have someone threaten your life and be fearful of being attacked. Wow! I can't imagine the anxiety you must have felt. So sorry you have to experience it and have it replay in your mind.

Have you talked about this with anyone? A close friend or a therapist?

You need distractions so you don't think about the event last year. A few suggestions: a good movie, a good book, cooking, baking, cleaning, organizing, etc.

Hope you feel better.
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xrayjodib Nov 2020
Thanks Polarbear,
Yes, I started seeing a counselor last February.
Between my Aunt and my mother I think I gave him an anxiety attack ! Lol. Just kidding!!
I would love to be cleaning and organizing, but due to my recent surgery I am limited as to what I am able to do just yet. Maybe that's part of the problem!
I opened up to my hubby tonight about what I was feeling.
He's not only a Doctor, but retired flight Surgeon USAF. Two tours in Iraq.
He understands about PTSD!
He told me what I am feeling is completely understandable !!
I guess you don't have to be in the military to suffer post traumatic stress!
Thanks so much!
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Yes. Thinking back on how my best intentions blew up in my face. Thinking about people who I thought loved me dearly, but decided to use me until there was nothing left. Thinking about people who felt that I had an endless supply of good works to perform and would continue to do so in the face of criticism and even ridicule. People who thought I was their property. People who thought my energy and kindness could not run out and they could just keep asking/demanding as if I were a machine without emotions. People who felt that my "NO" would never stick. People who felt that I longed for and craved their "constructive criticism." Just today, I found out I'm being again hung out to dry (this time by people who barely know me) for not helping more with so and so (an elderly acquaintance in common). I am devastated by this assertion and I resent it that someone thinks they can judge the situation accurately!! By caring so deeply, I appear to bring out the worst in people who want more and more. If I were a mean witch, no one would want or expect anything! It's dehumanizing. Sometimes, I really understand why kind people stop caring. They simply can't continue to care. People are so ready to pounce and believe they have a right to my time, talents, and energy. Yes, I do get the blues and I have had panic attacks, headaches, and high blood pressure as well.
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cherokeegrrl54 Oct 2020
I agree about people that feel its their right to criticize, yell and scream, and make us feel guilty about things. I have learned (or im trying to learn) to let things mom is 87 and in pretty good shape for her age, she has a few things wrong....thankfully nothing major. My daughter is in the Army and i had lived with her since 2010....multiple deployments to combat zones in iraq and Afghanistan..took care of house, dogs, yardwork, vehicles....i should be in Germany with her for 3 yrs enjoying my life but when it came down to it, i chose to move back to Florida in th same apt complex as my mom. I couldn’t stand the thought that something could happen to her and i would be half way around the world. And my younger sister sure wouldn’t be of any help! We do what we can to the best of our abilities, but one thing i have learned the hard way, we have to take care of ourselves if we are to help others...hang in there!
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My caregiving days are over but I get it. I had extreme anxiety. I got dizzy. My heart would race. My doctor doubled my blood pressure meds because my blood pressure was at an unhealthy level. I was sent to a heart specialist but those tests came back with normal results.

I had panic attacks and didn’t breathe properly. My therapist taught me breathing exercises. They do help.

Exercising helped me too. It’s a natural stress relief that releases endorphins.

Reflecting is normal. We should honor our feelings but it took therapy for me to learn to move forward. I was stuck. I was blind. I was sinking with the ship. It’s a bad feeling.

Wishing you all the best. Take time to process your feelings. Reach out for help when needed or you simply need to vent.

Go ahead and vent. Hey, remember in the 60’s having scream therapy? Hahaha 😂 I could have done that for a few minutes! LOL
Helpful Answer (4)
xrayjodib Nov 2020
I don't remember scream therapy, but it sounds like a great idea to me!!
Maybe I'll give it a go tomorrow when I have the house to myself!!🤪
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The first time I had a full blown panic attack out of the blue was when my parents were coming to visit after I'd bought a brand new home and moved across the country. My mother was always an OCD clean I was in the bathroom scrubbing away.....a brand new home which was sparkling clean as it was......and felt struck with the knowledge that no matter how much I cleaned, it wouldn't pass muster with my mother. I wound up on the floor in the fetal position thinking I was having a heart attack and couldn't catch my breath. Terrible terrible feeling where the walls close in and everything feels magnified. Hard to put into words, right?

Years later, when my dad had a brain tumor and didn't know it, they had to move to Colo. to be close to me since he couldnt drive any more and my mother was way "too nervous" to take on that role herself, God forbid. That was September of 2011 and I cried so hard that day because I knew my freedom was over. And I was right. Dad passed in 2015 but my mother is still going strong at almost 94. Rarely a day goes by she doesn't give me grief about SOMETHING, even from her room in the Memory Care Assisted Living.

Yes. I have lots and lots of blue days reflecting on the day and time I became responsible for my mother's life back in Sept of 2011. My dad was a lovable human and I have no regrets about him.
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2020
Your mom sounds like my mom. They were perfectionists! Everything had to be just so!

A place for everything and everything in it’s place! Of course, everything was cleaned until it was sparkling clean.

Oddly enough though, she didn’t mind us getting dirty from playing outside. We had to clean up before dinner but I don’t ever remember being yelled at for getting dirty.
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With Halloween approaching you've flashbacked to the traumatic visit to your aunt's last year whether it was intentionally or subconsciously. Then recalling the panic attack added to your mood. Maybe you associate some of these when you go to visit your mom. I feel that some counseling for PTSD would help you to learn how to deal with the past & help deal with future episodes of anxiety. It's good that you spoke with your husband about it & look to him for support while you're in therapy. Good luck to you.
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I most definitely have an still do feel like this, I am the youngest of 7 and have always been relied upon as being the "Rock" of my family, and although an admirable roll, I am tired..I have 2 job's and a family, as of 2 yrs ago after my only sister passed away, I've been giving the responsibility of caring for my 80 yr old mother with numerous health issues, and without a thought I let her move in my home believing how bad could it be, thinking"I can do this, I'm strong" now 4 yrs later, I'm bitter, angry, tired, irritated and feeling extremely overwhelmed, which is causing me to cry alone, and take my anger out on other's, leaving me feeling 10 yrs older, and unhappy with my life and having alot of resentment.
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