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If he qualifies both medically and financially, Medicaid in most states only covers LTC. In-home care coverage may not be full-time or 24/7.
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Each State has their own programs regarding Medicaid. I haven't heard where Medicaid covered home care if someone wanted full time care. It was more like a few hours each week. Wish it could be more, but Medicaid is taxpayer funded, both State and Federal, and there is only so much the State can work with.
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Yes, they cover homecare. But there is a shortage of aides in NJ, southern part anyway, so how many hours you get may not be much. Go to your county Social Services Dept and talk to a caseworker. The person has to fit income criteria.
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My mom's doctor gave us a prescription for 32 hours a week for a home health aide and said that if we needed more time to let him know and he would write another order so that her insurance would cover it. She had medicaid and HMO Americhoice in North Jersey.
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NJmom201 Mar 8, 2024
Her insurance also had a nurse coordinator who would come out on a quarterly basis to check her status, i believe this is part of the MLTSS(medicaid long term services and supports) in the community setting. They also help out by sending home meals, free personal care items like diapers, chuck pads, personal care items. Emergency response center call. They also provided transportation to appointments if needed. It's good to check with the individual insurance and see what they offer.
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