
I read this: "Coconut oil helps treat Alzheimer's disease. ... The theory behind using coconut oil for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer's disease is that these ketone bodies can provide an alternative source of energy to brain cells that have lost their ability to use glucose as a result of the disease." Nov 12, 2013

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No, maybe a temporary change.

And coconut oil is notorious for causing diarrhea.
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From Alzheimer';
"A recent University of Oxford study suggested that although the effects of coconut oil may be temporary, Alzheimer’s and dementia patients have indeed seen short-term benefits resulting from its use. This research supports Dr. Newport’s theory that ketones, which are byproducts of the breakdown of fats in the body, play an important role in brain health. The idea is that by boosting ketones, found in coconut oil, we can improve cognitive function.
For best results, experts suggest organic, cold-pressed, non-hydrogenated, virgin coconut oil — and don’t let the word “oil” frighten you. Coconut oil is a heart-healthy oil that is free of cholesterol and trans-fats, and provides many benefits in addition to improving brain health, including:
Improving the body’s use of insulin
Improving cholesterol by increasing HDL (good cholesterol)
Boosting thyroid function resulting in increased energy
Acting as an antioxidant and natural antibiotic
Improving overall health of skin and hair."

Sounds good and I've bought some but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Good luck to us.
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Mimi777 Aug 2018
Thank you Sue. Eve though it has been stated as short term result benefits, it could be longer. Any time that could be delayed is a blessing.
On advice from someone who has seen her cancer disappear with heavy nutritional supplement help I have bought into the usage. Have not seen anything on consistent application of “how much” to consume. Any answer to this?
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Mimi777 Aug 2018
Congratulations!!! I wish continued success i your healthy journey.

Great question, I found this on line:

Here is also a video:
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idk I have often wondered about my mom and dad. they BOTH got dementia. and they were non smokers non drinkers (although I read some drinking does help) exercised alot - ate really well. they were not very social tho. like going out with friends a lot. they were friendly at the gym or retirement lunches. with family. they liked to take long road trips. and my dad he loved to learn new things. loved to read. his fav mag was probably Nat Geo and scientific American.

sometimes I think it was something in their house. was it environmental.? was it in the water? was it that Benadryl for sleep aid? their parents didn't have it. Am I going to inherit it? 

years ago her doctor put mom on a diet to lower her cholesterol - she lost so much weight. and I think she cut out too much fat from their diet. like she needed some fat for her/his brain.

so yes I have no idea about coconut oil. but I will admit to adding some to my coffee in the morning. or I use instead of margarine on my toast. plus I do take supplements like fish oil. I take curcumin/turmeric - and other stuff. and try to be healthy   what do I have to lose. :(
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