
My mom has gotten to the point where she cannot walk, can barely move, cannot speak, can't go the washroom without assistance. About two weeks ago, she stopped eating food. She drinks a bit of water, a bit apple juice, and they make little vitamin shakes and she has a bit of that. She needs a lot of assistance drinking, the nurse has to tip her head back a bit. If the nurse doesn't do this she just spits it all back up. I hate to even think or ask this question, but how long can she live like this? Is this the beginning of the end? And, not to sound crude, but the home she is in wants me to purchase a wheelchair, which is expensive. I am leaning towards renting, given her palliative state.

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Everyone is different, but she can’t survive long without food.

Encouragement, praise, hugs and Boost-type supplements will help her.

Secondhand wheelchairs are also available at estate sales, charity thrift stores and Craigslist. Mom was sent home from the hospital with one and this was covered by her health benefits and Medicare.
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I hope by now you have gotten hospice involved in your mom's care, as it certainly sounds like she would qualify. They will provide any needed equipment(not sure about wheelchair though, but like you said you can always rent one), supplies and medications, plus be much needed support for not only your mom, but for you also. They can also let you know if they believe that she is nearing death. But you must remember that they are not God, and only He knows the day and time that He will call your mother home. I was told several times while my husband was under their care for 22 months, that he was going to die soon, and he didn't, but when his time finally did come, his dying process lasted 6 weeks, with him not eating for 41 days, and not drinking for over 25 days. So, everyone's journey is different. I pray that your mom won't have to suffer, and that when it is her time to go that it will be peaceful. God bless you.
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Dear Daughter,
It's way past time to apply for hospice care. If she's in palliative care now, that will continue with the added services of everything she needs being free and paid for by Medicare. I'm surprised the nurse hasn't suggested that long ago. What you describe are the final stages of AD which has no definitive life expectancy, but seems fairly close in your case, seeing she's not eating and has little water intake. Hospice will come to the house and provide all the necessary supplies that are needed to care for your mom including a wheelchair. Have the palliative care provider refer your mom to hospice. Two drs will have to approve her application.
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You would be amazed at just how little food and water it takes to sustain life toward the end. You mention palliative care; is she also on hospice?
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Daughter ,

God bless you!

It does appear that she is very close to the end!

8 to 21 days without food or water, however, she is recieving some nutrition.

Do you know if there is a POLST on file? Do you know what her final wishes are?

My heart goes out to you!!

I know this is a very tough time!!

Prayers and Hugs!!
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