
My husband has dementia and is homecared. I have not been able to get info on how/when/where he can get the vaccine.

Also, as his primary caregiver, do I also get one soon?

I know I am not the only person in this situation.

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I know u r eager to get it done, but it seems to currently be a disorganized mess. Did u see some of the stories of elderly people lined up out in the cold? Contact your local HD and unless they offer drive through vaccination, I’d then contact his primary care doctor. Yes there are MANY in your situation.
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Check in with your husband's doctor and with your own doctor to see when you can have the vaccine and who might come to give it. The distribution of vaccine is seeing glitches now we might have expected given this is all new, and there is no national response, only local response. I do know Ma Kaiser isn't on the phone demanding we get ourselves in there to be shot, so I know that they are having problems getting together how to distribute the vaccine, because Kaiser is always quick on preventative care. No harm in calling the MD office but I suspect the answer right now will be "We don't know yet".
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An experimental medical chemical treatment, called a vaccine? Are you sure you want to put your husband through it?
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Sarah3 Jan 2021
There’s some truth to what you say as usually it takes years for a vaccine to be safely developed and medical trials to ensure its safety. Since it hasn’t even been a year since covid began, this is scarily lightning fast.
It's really kind of something you will have to be proactive about. I asked my PCP and he said to get in touch with my oncologist, as I am still considered a 'cancer patient'. PCP said his clinic would probably not have the vaccine for the 'at large population' until mid summer--the first rounds were are going to high risk people.

So--I did contact the oncologist and reminded them I exist and would LOVE a covid shot or two :) Possibly at my next checkup.

Friends who are in health care have gotten theirs--a couple of teacher-friends of mine have too. Slowly, also, through people simply GETTING covid, we're going to see a lot more immunity.

Takes time, though.
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Great question! Check you state/province and county/region websites. I know that my mom's county is setting up appointments and that you need to go to the site where the vaccine is given. Your local public health office should also be able to advise you about how to go about this.
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Actually you as his Primary Caregiver should get one first as you're the one leaving the house and can bring it back to him.

I told my Caregivers that I hired for my 96 yr old Dad that they need to get the vaccine that I would not have my Dad get it because of his underlying health problems and I think it would be more dangerous for him to take the vaccine.
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You might want to check with your town Senior Citizen Center. We got a notice that seniors could pre-register for the vaccine and that they will notify us when it'll be available and for appointments.
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I can provide some solid answers for you as a family member is a Doctor on the Chicago Board of COVID Vaccination protocol. #1 First and most important, check with your husband's PCP to make sure he is able to take the CVAC and educate yourself on the side effects of the vaccination. #2 Each state has different vaccination guidelines closely following the CDC guidelines as follows: First to VAC is all medical professionals who have patient contact including FireFighters and EMTS. Second Tier are those in Long Term Care Facilities and those who care for them (as the Vaccination becomes available to that state). Third Tier is the General Public at large. # You should check with your local Health Dept to see when you might be able to get your husband vaccinated. Most local Pharmacists can do this for you. Hope this helps.
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You would need to wait, when a vaccine is developed it takes time for it to become available to the general public. Medical professionals are starting to receive it however to my knowledge you’ll need to wait. And that’s actually a good thing you wouldn’t want him to have it before they complete the proper protocol
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Part of the problem with trying to get the vaccine to those at home is that they are packaged so there are 10 doses in the vial.  Once opened all doses must be used within a half hour window or discarded.  My understanding is that once administered you need to be observed for 10 minutes for side effects.
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