
My mom has declined a lot! She hardly speaks & really struggles to think of words. She sleeps all the time. Can’t get out bed, not eating a lot. In my heart I feel she won’t last much longer but I’m not a medical professional. What should I do? Thank you. This group is truly a godsend.

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It's never too early to get a hospice evaluation. From what you're describing, it sounds like she would qualify for it.
Most people wait until the very end before they bring hospice on board, but there are advantages on bringing them on board sooner than later.
I would call your local hospice agency and have them come out and do an evaluation ASAP. Most states don't require a doctors recommendation anymore, so you can just call them yourself.
And remember, hospice will be covered under your moms Medicare 100%, including any and all needed equipment, supplies, and medications. They will also have a nurse come once a week to start, to check moms vitals and such and aides to come about twice a week to bathe her even if she's in a facility.
Wishing you and your mom the very best.
Helpful Answer (4)
Momsonlychild Dec 2022
Thank you.
Sorry your mom is declining so much. Is she still in independent living? I don't think you need to be a medical professional to know your mom's end is near. You probably know her best and see what's going on better than anyone else. Trust your gut and call hospice for an eval. That's what I would do for my mom and what I will do when the time comes. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Momsonlychild Dec 2022
Thank you. It’s really a gut feeling plus the obvious decline. I’m going to meet with the SNF this week and then call Hospice.
Momsonly, is your mom ON Hospice already, or are you asking if you should ask for a hospice evaluation?
Helpful Answer (1)
Momsonlychild Dec 2022
She’s not on it currently. I’m going to have a meeting this week with the SNF, calling today to set it up. It’s very difficult with mom’s dementia to determine what her needs are. I just want her to have the best care and peace.
It takes a little time to get hospice rolling, so if you’re wondering - do check into it. You may find that you will need their help as much as your mother. I’m so sorry your having to deal with this - I wish you well.
Helpful Answer (1)

Is she on Hospice now?
If she is your Team should be there more often if she is "actively dying"
If she is not on Hospice contact the one of your choice ASAP and get them in there. They will make sure she is comfortable and they will support you.
I think it is sad when doctors do not refer to Hospice earlier. Family and patients miss out on so much help and support.
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I sure woukdn't call hospice. My brother was just put in hospice a few days ago because he tried leave hospital and outran the guards. Has cancer in liver and brain. He just didnt want take any more radiation so his kids had nurses give him big dose of mirphine. Within hiurs he coukdnt walk or drink. Came home on hospice and they give him that. We went and made them not give it while we there. He sat up, drank 2 cups coffee. Now that we left yest. They text say he going die today and they put him back on the morphine and his geart hurting and he wants to die. I dont think so.
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againx100 Dec 2022
Sorry your brother is not doing well. With cancer in his liver and brain and not wanting radiation, it would seems like he would need serious pain management.
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