
My parents both have mild dementia that is slowly progressing. They also live on a fixed income and do not have a lot of money. They have a mortgage for their townhome.

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As a first step, I’d find out IF your states LTC Medicaid program even pays for AL. Most do not.
So if that’s the situation you’d need to either get them to have enough documentation in each of their health charts to show they are “at need” for LTC in a NH or MC (if your states MC get covered for LTC Medicaid) or they both get hospitalization severe enough they they both go from hospital to rehab at a NH. It would be hard to make this work…. too many moving parts, lol.

if you know they are just too fit, competent and cognitive for NH, MC and AL is not covered by Medicaid, the options become more of what’s available in your community.
So like if y’all have PACE, that’s a community based day program for seniors and PACE coordinates all transportation and all thier health care. Plus they do meals and get set up for inhome caregivers should that be needed for their nonPACE time. PACE might be an option. PACE requires them to be “duals”, that is on MediCARE and Medicaid. It will be community based Medicaid so they get to keep thier income so will still be able to pay mortgage.

? for you? how much longer do they have on the mortgage and does the house make sense for them to age in place in? If they were to sell it, could they find an apt that costs way less than them owing a home? If they were to sell it, after paying off the remainder of the mortgage, would they have enough $ to buy a newer smaller place in full? Does thier city / county have seniors only rent controlled apts? Your region will have an AoA, aka Agency on Aging. AoA are part of your Council of Governments, which are regional planning and coordination bodies in ever state. The AoA have info on senior housing, care, staff the ombudsman office. It’s your tax $ at work.

it’s good you are starting to look at options for them now before it’s crisis decision making. It’s all quite overwhelming but fabulous that you are starting this now.
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