
My mom is on hospice and is now taking morphine drops by mouth
For pain weight lose already in progress and has a wild far away look her mind is failing has been on oxygen for 3 years now on setting 3

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Your best bet is to ask the Hospice nurse. They have seen this many times over and could give you an estimated time frame.
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Hard to say. Keep an eye on urine output. When it is as dark as coffee, the time is very short. You will see heart rate increase while O2 decreases. Then the breathing is very irregular. I hope there is someone there with you.
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Thanks you Pam there are people here BUT you can have a house full and still be alone
Her urine has began to get real dark and smelly not quite coffee colored I see in her eyes the far away look
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Your Mom is fortunate to have you there and I hope you will take comfort in that. Remind her of how much you love her, how much she means to you, and what a good mom she is. As the time draws near (and it is close) give her permission to stay or go and that you are with her in her decision. (This from "Losing a Parent" by Fiona Marshall, which I found an invaluable resource). The hearing is the last sense to fail and your reassurance will make her passing smoother. This Mother's Day is the 15th anniversary of my mother's passing and I was honored to be with her for this step.
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Stay with your mom as much as you can! I got a call from the hospice nurse on her first visit to evaluate my mom the day after she was approved to be in hospice and was told that she was starting Mom on moraphine. I got there within the hour and mom passed away 10 hours later! I am so thankful that she called me and that I could be there with my mom.
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I once knew someone with COPD, and COPD is not necessarily a death sentence

How much time you have left is something like God knows. You can make the best of that time by taking healthy steps to take care of yourself, and not self-neglect. Self-neglect is what will eventually get you, not necessarily the COPD. Taking care of yourself and your health after a diagnosis is key to living as long as absolutely possible by living the best life possible.
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Hi Bethany,

It sounds like you have a very sick patient on your hands according to what you described. It sounds to me like the person has not been drinking much water, which has led to a serious infection that can actually kill the patient. I don't know if this is been addressed, but it would be a good idea to do so if it hasn't already been done.
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Thank you it has been addressed no uti due to all
Ned's she is in for breathing it does dehydrate her but with boost and etc lots of water we keep it in check its one if those things with urine that happens God Bless she has been with me for 16 years we have handled her conditions well
Glad I am with her
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Appears like the time is close. But, as said only God know that time.
If you want to be by her side, don't go too far away.
Bless you for your Love and Support.
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Thank you guys for your support Gods grace be with yall
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