How can I locate him since step mom & bro will not tell me? My step mom hasn't liked me, so to keep from adding extra stress to daddy, I stayed away the last few years and regret by that now but felt it was best for him.
She has said I wasn't family, so not to come around. Well I'm not letting her keep me away or hold me at bay anymore. She visited him this past Monday and word step bro told me was that he was not responsive to her which is why I went to see for myself. I think he feels like they abandoned him because 4 rounds of different cancers, triple heart bypass with 95% blockage he went home to and recovered but I think he isn't going to push himself since he feels that he doesn't matter. I even offered to come home and take care of him so he wasn't in there. I know it's just him being stubborn .
So how do I locate him and what right do I have as his biological daugther verses what step mom and step brother have and how can they be doing this ?Isn't there a way to stop or keep them from doing this?
If you are trying to find him to interfere with his family and him I hope you will reconsider and continue to stay away as you have. Any war trying to pull him apart in his fragile health and end of life would be cruel in the extreme.
Things are different these days. It used to be that people would talk because laws were not in place.
There is a reason for laws that apply to privacy.
Who told you your dad your dad was moved to the Nursing Home?
You are missing some information here.
Best wishes to you and your family.
For those who followed Dorker's thread, didn't her dad tell hospital not to let his wife know he was there, and hospital abided by his wish?
I remember back when I was doing volunteer work at the information desk at the hospital, a woman came in to visit her 100 year old mother. We were unable to find that name on our patient list. We gave the woman phone numbers to call. Well, the hospital wouldn't give out any info.
The poor woman was frantic which we could understand. Then we gave her the telephone number of another hospital.... whew, her mother was there. She had been transferred to that hospital due to her health insurance, since said insurance had their own local hospital. Apparently the woman's name was listed in file on her Mother's HIPAA form.
You should consult an elder law attorney to ask what rights you might have.