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Truth be told probably this person should not be shampooing their own hair.
I would try baby shampoo at least that is not going to cause irritation to the eyes. But any shampoo if ingested could cause a bit of diarrhea just like any soap might.
There are "natural" shampoo and soaps but again I would probably not have a person with dementia that might put something like that showering alone.

One other comment. The hair does not need to be washed as much as most people think. And washing the hair as well as taking many showers removes protective oils from the skin and as the skin gets more fragile some of those oils are important. When my Husband had to go into rehab after a broken hip I was surprised to find that the State of Illinois regulations require a shower only 2 times a week.
So if the hair does not get washed each time,. or a shower is skipped once in a while don't stress about it. The important thing is to keep the "peri area" clean and dry. (any area that may become soiled from urine or fecal matter.)
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Use dawn dish liquid. I do not recommend drinking it....but, if a bit of soap gets into the mouth while shampooing is won’t cause harm.

you could also use baking soda, mix 2 Tblspoons with a cup of water it cleans very nicely.
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This person with dementia is still able to know how to complete ADL’s and lives in an Assisted Living Community where she is still very aware of wanting her privacy while showering. We must give it to her but still keep her safe, there fore looking for options.
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Today there is a shampoo bar that can be used, looks like a bar of regular soap, but is for your hair, doesn't over suds.
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Are you talking accidently getting a bit in the mouth while washing hair, or confusing it for a drink and downing the bottle? If it's the former it's not likely to matter much regardless of brand.
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There are organic shampoo bars that could solve your problem. These have many advantages: as it won't hurt if the person happens to ingest a bit. At a craft fair a month ago I came across a product and bought a couple of their "Sunflower Shampoo Bar".

I works beautifully and my hair felt and looked fantastic. The bar lasts a long time. There is no plastic bottle. Just rub the bar on your head and it made fantastic suds. This particular product is all natural and organic.
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In the last years of their lives my parents both used bar soap to wash their hair, a mild one. That works, and my Mom swore it gave her thinning hair "more body". It's worth a thought anyway.
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Re bar soap:  I was intrigued by this, especially Mountain Moose's and DollyMe's posts, so I searched for the LifeAsAGarden site and learned that it apparently was "closed until further notice" b/c of tariffs and taxes.

There's no date, but there arereferences to 2018 sales.   So I'm not sure if that was in 2018 or 2019, although the latter is more realistic b/c of the tariff war.

Anyone else have any specific shampoo bar soap recommendations?   PM me if you're not comfortable including specific trade names or suppliers. 

This appeals to me b/c I asked my first herbal supplier years ago if she made shampoos, and she said it was hard to find a good combination of ingredients that really cleaned.  She was raised in a family that turned to natural solutions dur her childhood, so I felt she had insights I didn't have. 


Although other suggestions are helpful, I'm inclined to agree with Grandma1954.   

Another option would be to have a CNA in the facility use a no rinse shampoo; that way the woman could remain fully clothed.   And she wouldn't be alone, could chat with an aide, or someone could even switch the tv channel to one of the music only ones to try to create more of a positive environment.

Rewarding with something she enjoys, whether it's more music, or just a short friendly chat, could turn shampooing into a positive experience.
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anonymous912123 Dec 2019
I purchase mine through Naples Soap Company, there is a retail store near me. Personally, I am very pleased with their natural soaps!
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