I took her to the Dr and there is no infection. I closed the bathroom door as an solution, but she gets very upset, that she will leave for ever. No matter is you try to keep her busy, the bathroom is just an obsession. Please give me some advise what to do. It's so frustrating.
The usual advice is to distract and move the person into a different activity when they start to obsess. This is harder to do than it sounds.
My mother was OCD about it. She wore 3 pads and 2 pull ups at the same time. She walked like a toddler with a full diaper on and that wad in her pants actually hindered her mobility.
I tried telling her that everybody in the building had the same problem and it was no big deal. Accidents happen to everybody and nobody will think anything about it. Too rational. Didn't work. She called me a liar.
This phase will pass, but nobody can say when unfortunately.
There may be meds that can help the discomfort of an enlarged prostate, which might be the best goal vs. trying to solve the root cause of an enlarged prostate.
A specialist is worth their weight in gold sometimes, and it sounds like this is one of those times. Let us know how it goes!
Adult undergarments (if he's not already using them) can provide a lot of comfort. There's a reason the old people call them "confidence products" - at least in my family they do!
Because I was becoming so on edge and focussed on the fact she was going all the time ( telling her she had just been, shutting the door etc ) it was actually making it worse. So as hard as it was I just ignored it and let her go 50 thousand times of that's what she wanted. Suddenly she wasn't anxious anymore. I didn't comment or make an issue around the toilet.., maybe give that a go for a while. If it isn't an infection as it wasn't with my mum, then it most likely is anxiety around the fact that she might be restricted from using the toilet.
Sorry so long...I could go on and on......but I just need some suggestions from those of you that have been here and done this!!
Thank you,
I personally think that my Mom's bladder may be tilted or has fallen and I don't think she is able to void entirely, but since she came home she has not had a problem with the 5 minute peeing.
I would call the doctor immediately and ask him if there is something you can give her to stop the sensation or perhaps meds that stop the OCD behavior but I would ask about doing the ultra sound just to make sure her bladder is empty and not sitting there ready to burst!!! I felt bad that I was getting upset at Mom and her bladder was full to the max and we did not know!
My mother has recently acquired the anxiety part of dementia and she has to pee frequently and breathe fast and shallow. It drives me crazy, but 22 years ago I was doing the peeing and fast and shallow breathing, now we have traded places.
I believe this is all part of the disease and we just started Mom tonight on medication to see if we can get some sleep and peace.
Good Luck to Everyone
The main reason is driven by anxiety. Often she doesn't know what she is meant to be doing or what is happening next and so saying she is going to thetoiletmis almost like a safe distraction for her.
A first I would constantly tell her she didn't need to go again etc this this approach just caused more anxiety.
I basically just let her go as often as she liked, after about 6 months (!) this annoying habit actually almost stopped.
Occasionally she will have an episode but usually only on bad days or when there is a visitor and she is anxious.
I am now much more relaxed around her needing th toilet and in turn his seems to have relaxed her.
My sister doesn't flush, so there's no water problem here!
So, we didn't make a fuss. I put up a sensor light for her at night, and disconnected the toilet bowl chain, even turning off the toilet water tap, AND a large sign "please don't flush". You will need to go in a check every few hours to make sure the toilet doesn't clog.
On the positive side, she isn't very active so we did feel as least this is a bit of exercise. I know it's hard to think of it in a positive sense, but like with children, if we make it a problem, then it tends to compound the issue.
Silly me, now that we have experienced so many "obsessions", I sometimes think "gee, the toilet going one wasn't so bad after all". Hang in there, try to see it through and hope the next thing won't be more difficult to deal with. :-)