Mom is 90 and has a great memory but she goes into these episodes of seeing things that aren't there. We have told her doctors and they gave her an anti depressant and anti psycodic but after a few days she was going bonkers and she knew it so she refused to take them. I just don't get where this is coming from. She just had a visit with her doctor this week and he agreed if the meds don't make her feel better then she doesn't have to take them. It's so strange to experience this and I don't really know how to respond. When it happened the first time I would explain to her that there wasn't anyone there but she said it's as clear as I am sitting there which kinda spooked me. But I know it's a medical thing not ghosts. I just wondered if anyone else had this happen?
Her doctors started two new meds at once? In my view (I'm not a doctor ) that would be unwise. How would you know what drug was causing the problem?
She also sees holes in the cieling up and to the left. Sometimes people come walking out of the hole. She sees a big hole in the floor about 5 feet out in front of her. Again, vision degrading.
She has had auditory and visual hallucinations in the past due to mixed up meds. She used to see dead relatives. They'd come "set a spell to visit" and it didn't upset her. I think it was messed up meds plus memories plus brain processing it all wrong.
There was also a squirrel that ran around on her fireplace mantel. He wasn't tame enough to get up on her lap, which she wanted.
I have a colleague whose mother hallucinates taking trips to foreign countries. She will say that she went to Scotland this morning and is glad to be home.
Hey, I hope I get to travel like that when my mind goes!
Is there someone in your culture who can come reassure your dad and interpret these visions for him, so he can be comforted? If these are also his beliefs, then this may help him. Not everybody needs to throw pills at things like Western medicine does.
Is there a ritual you can do in the house, with dad, that will comfort him or send the spirits away for a while? Or invite peaceful spirits in to shield dad?
I'm a dyed in the wool skeptic who can't watch scary movies either, but I do recognize that familiar ritual comforts people whether it's a prayer, last rites, smudging, chanting, or making an altar. Do what will comfort his soul, soothes his mind, and protects his physical body.
Then came the visual hallucinations - little santa clauses dancing on the floor (don't step on them!), birds flying around up by the ceiling (and he would whistle bird calls at them, something he was always good at), hamsters running around inside the ceiling (don't you hear them?), or the always-entertaining food hallucinations - he would mime putting a spoon into his mouth, dipping it back towards his chest and back to his mouth, chewing and swallowing, as though he were eating. He swore he was eating a bowl of ham and beans, and boy was it good!
The only thing that stopped the hallucinations - and only temporarily, for about 24 hours - was dialysis. When he came to the end of his life, and required dialysis on a daily basis, the hallucinations were constant.
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