He has been banned from the transit bus because they have a video of her touching my dad on 2 separate occasions and he is suspended from the senior center for inappropriate sexual behavior with her. He doesn't remember any of this. He is so sad. He feels everyone is against him and this woman is trying to isolate him from his family. Dad's dementia is rapidly getting worse because of the turmoil with this woman but we cannot get her to stay away. When she isn't there he says he doesn't know her and doesn't want her around but she is telling everyone they are getting married. My dad's mind is a mess. He is a pillar of the community and in this county. What do I do?
Dighby, did you curl up with a doobie and a dictionary to pump out that linguistic masterpiece?
Aaahahaha, you go Tejano! (Texan in Spanish)
Yeah, I'm with CW, if Pyediana doesn't care to (or maybe can't) comment, let this one go.
Someone's playing games.
From WebMD,
Erectile Dysfunction Common with Age;
The majority of younger men (74%) rated (their) sexual function as good or very good; only 10% of men older than 80 rated sexual function the same. Only 12% of younger men reported big or moderate (sexual) problems. But nearly a quarter to a third of men older than 50 reported this degree of severity in sexual function.
Come on now. Do you really think this 86 yr. old gentleman could "do the wild thing"?
This poor guy is confused (dementia) but is capable of physical pleasure, however he probably is unable to have intercourse. She may be stimulating but it's not going past first base. Read up on erectile dysfunction in the elderly.
If you think you can "get it on" when you're near 90, you're delusional. Dream on.
But surely we've progressed past that? Surely we recognise that no matter how enthusiastic a young lad might be about his crush, it is wrong wrong wrong for an adult to exploit it. And surely, with this elderly gentleman, we can switch the genders in our imaginations and see how we'd feel about it if our grannies were being pestered by 64 year old toy boys, and if those in charge had dealt with it as they have.
It's purely a Protection of Vulnerable Adults question. It's not about being blue meanies with one eye on the estate.
Dighby, "let them sleep together?" Really?!! You've got to be daft, e.g. ludicrous.
How you can help stop elder abuse
You can call the APS and described to them exactly what you said here. Pulling up proof of his dementia from his medical records will be vital in proving your dad's being taken advantage of and sexually abused.
* If he has dementia he cannot consent so this would be as bad as abusing a child
Get the police involved and make a report and describe everything you told us here. Include copies of diagnosed dementia from your dad's doctor and explain that he's the victim who was banned from services when it should be the perpetrator.
If you can get a video recording of the conversation with your dad about this woman, do it and save it to use for later. You can use video evidence to prove what's really going on. See if you can find out what time this woman shows up to visit your dad and get a video of the inappropriate contact from a distance and remote location but be careful to be subtle about it
That said I have also noticed that people often read situations differently on social media and especially here often based on their own experiences so the answers can take on a life or situation of their own and this looks like one of those times. I may be doing that very thing and the one reading this OP question wrong but my understanding is that this is occurring at the senior center her father attends. As others have pointed out the bus or van mentioned is more likely the transportation van for that SR center or the local SR transport van like the one my mom uses to do things in town and go to some doctors appointments. I don't think we know if he still lives on his own or not and I'm not sure it matters. I am curious though, this younger woman does she also have memory issues? Might it be that she really does believe they are engaged and getting married and that he is as into it all as she is? Kind of like kids where the girl is a bit more advanced than the boy and easily leads them down the wrong path thinking it's what will make him like her more. Sometimes elderly with memory issues are as suggestible as children can be and maybe they are both behaving in ways they normally wouldn't. It doesn't help the situation but it might help everyone involved see the big picture and come up with ideas. It does sound like the "proof" both the center and the transit van are using would show her as being the aggressor and my guess is since he is male it doesn't occur to anyone that he isn't encouraging and enjoying it when to some degree giving his mental issues he is being assaulted, problem is she may not have enough faculties to know shes assaulting him if that makes sense. I would certainly go in and talk with the people at the SR center, they probably have some clout with the transportation too but you may need to talk with them separately. I would either get in touch with her family or caregiver directly or involve them through the center as well both because they need to know about the behavior for now and the future and because they may have some ideas about how to stop it. Maybe even simply coordinating the schedules so they are going to the center on different days. From your description I can imagine how hard this is on your dad, how stressful and from experience I know how much stress like that can bring out some of the downside of their illness's so sympathise with you watching all of this and feeling helpless about what to do. But keep in mind that when you can find a way to calm things down and restore that balance, his feeling about his place in the community, what seems like acceleration of his disease may very well fade back into the background where they have been. It probably isn't as permanent as it seems right now, on the other side though there may very well be things and times that bring them to the forefront again. We go through this with my mom all the time and we worry it means she's getting worse but then suddenly she seems much better again, it can be anything, stress is a big cause of course but a cold or some other infection can cause just as much havoc. Her flu shot threw her way off the rails when she got it a month or so ago. Hang in there.