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Not to me it doesn't. Will cost you less than if you place him, you will need 24/7 home care, and that is very expensive.

He will have 24/7 care in MC, you can then regain some of your life back.
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There comes a time where you should get help my friend did put her husband in a care home as she couldn’t cope, she had looked after him for many years he was endangering himself and my friend, it’s a hard decision but you still need a life and also your health is just as important.
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Only you can decide what is best for your and your husband, but it may be time to start looking at the memory care facilities in your area, so you can get back to just being a loving wife and advocate, instead of his caregiver.
You have to do what is best for both of you, not just your husband.
I wish you the very best in making that decision.
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You first two posts are about him wandering and stopping up the toilet. I think u would be better off placing him. Hired help means dealing with people who have lives outside of caregiving, Their child is sick, they are sick. It means strangers in your house.

See an Elder Lawyer to have you assets split. DHs split going towards his care in Memory care or Long-term care. When his split is gone, u apply for Medicaid. Medicaid allows u to stay in the home, have a car and enough or all of ur combined monthly income to live on. A Elder lawyer can give you more info.
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