
We bring our own food and use theirs too but we share with everyone equally. We both get paid together. We make $756 every other week. We do a lot for each patient and we want to know how much is fair that we get? Also our 3 lb. dog is very clean eats her own food is potty trained and never barks. She is a definite plus to all the patients she is like a therapy dog. Also we are being paid as an independent contractor. So we do pay more in taxes without health insurance or unemployment benefits. Also we must travel 25 miles 1 way there and then home each week. We are not able to leave the home for the time we are there and we sleep wherever we can (usually we bring blankets and sleep on the floor) Every week we have to pack and it's not easy.

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If I followed this correctly you are making less than $3 an hour.
3x24=72 hrs x 2 people=144 hrs weekly x 2 weeks =288 hours.
$756/288 hours = $2.63 per hour.
I was assuming you were staying there one 72 hour shift per week. I assumed your travel time, your packing and your dogs services were on you.
Obviously you are being grossly underpaid.
I can’t imagive the misery these six people are in. Actually I do imagine that it’s awful. I hope it’s not.
I also suspect you and your husband must be in a terrible financial position to take such a job in the first place.
A “ fair” wage is subjective to what the worker is willing to take. Twice what you are being paid would not be minimum wage.
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It sounds like this is not a licensed care facility? It's time to look for another job. Don't quit this one until you find something better.
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If you each had a $10 an hour job and worked 40 hour weeks, you would be taking home $800. If you work for a larger employer you can also get benefits.
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You and your husband could make far more money flipping burgers! You are being used! Find another place to work if this is what ya'll like to do? Are ya'll CNAs?
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