
I only had 1 1/2 days with him. In the last moments with just the two of us he broke out in a complete sweat, I covered him and tried to keep him warm. He grabbed my hand and said "look!" a stared up at the bedroom wall. I did not see anything. I turned to him and saw him take his last couple of breaths. Just hours before, I could not understand the words he was saying, but the word "look" he pronounced correctly. Do you believe he truly saw something?

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Yes, I fully believe as loved ones depart, they do "see" what we cannot. My daddy talked to people (his mother and his sister) for several days before he passed. Grandma said Grandpa kept coming to get her. I asked her why she didn't just go with him, if he was asking her to come? She said "Well, I guess I should!" She died quietly and peacefully 2 days later. I fully believe her beloved hubby had come to fetch her, and she went so willingly.

A very sweet young friend of mine died from cancer. The last day of her life she kept telling everyone present "Oh, look! It's so beautiful! Can't you see it?" She repeated this over and over until she passed. It was of great comfort to her hubby and 3 young sons.
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Yes. I'm curious if he seemed scared or fascinated or happy about what he was seeing. Regardless, it's possible he was just hallucinating, but to him it was real. It's also possible--I don't know if you believe in the spirit world (I do)--he was seeing a family member or dear friend who has died and was welcoming him.

No matter, if it were me, I would take that experience as a beautiful and comforting thing.
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Personally I answer Yes, he did see something. I believe it’s ‘the other side’, a ‘parallel dimension’, ‘heaven’, whatever words people use to describe where our spirits go after death.

I worked in Oncology as an RN and have watched hundreds of people die. The spirit goes out the head and goes ‘somewhere’. And it’s a very peaceful thing. I learned not to fear death.
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He thought he did and as long as he was not scared, all is good

I truly believe he may have been looking at 'The Light' The path to the next existence for him. A good place.

Peace for you both now. Hugs and love sent your way.
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I am sorry for you loss, and, yes, I too believe he saw something, or believes he saw something, and as others have said, if he wasn't frighted, it was mostly likely something comforting.
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