My mom 86 recently moved to assisted living lost her hearing aid 1st week. She is 86 very hard of hearing poor vision, and dementia. I'm working on replacing her hearing aid they say see needs two now as he hearing is so bad. Her dementia has worsen since loss of hearing aid of course some of it could be new assisted living environment.
I'm worried she will lose her new one how can I prevent or reduce the chances of it being lost. She does wear it all the time except sleeping and bathing.
Now to CarolLynn's problem. I wish there was an easy answer to this problem. I live with my mom and have more than once had to hunt for glasses or dentures. We even had to replace one set of dentures and they are not cheap! Asking the staff to keep her hearing aids or glasses in a safe place is probably the best advice. This may not always happen because the information may not get passed on with shift change. Also, there are 3 shifts a day and if someone is sick or on vacation there may be part time or registry workers. Just keep in mind items may still might get lost. Painting the glasses sounds like a good idea but harder to do with hearing aids and impossible with dentures. As far as glasses, I would get a second cheap pair for back up. Take care of yourself and try to be patient.
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