
My mom has been diabetic since before I was born, she lost her eyesight when I turned one and has never really taken any care of herself, despite me and my father begging her too. Her decreasing mental health has also never helped her with everything else she struggles with. A while ago she scraped her leg and it became honestly scary, but we don’t have medical insurance and we haven’t been able to go to the doctor or dentist in literal years. So we’re stuck in a really weird spot. Her leg has recently become a bit blue, and the cut is only getting worse. I’m scared she might lose her leg if she waits any longer to get help, but she doesn’t want to since a trip to the doctor would be two months worth of food, that we don’t really even have money for since we are paying 3k worth of medication already. I want to help her but I’m not sure how? The only thing I can come up with is taking her to the doctor.. and she seems very opposed to the idea. I’m also afraid that she’s officially gone totally blind as she’s started to fall and hurt herself more recently, which only adds to my concerns. What can I do to make this situation better? Or what can I do to help her feel less stressed and in pain?

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Why isn't your mom on Medicaid?

Hospital ERs are required to treat life threatening conditions. I think I'd call 911 and let the EMTs evaluate how serious this is.
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There are many clinics listed here:

which offer free and/or means-tested medical services to people in your area. Each clinic has a telephone number, so if I were you I should scan down the list and start calling them. I am pretty certain they will tell you to get your mother in to see them ASAP, if not stat.

You are just turned eighteen. Your parents have high impact disabilities which entitle them to support, but it shouldn't be mainly coming from you. What kind of health care and social care professionals are they already in touch with? - can you find out?
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Take her to ER. Call 911 and make sure you tell them that the leg is an emergency! Good luck!
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If you cannot afford medical care then why isn't your mother on Medicaid?
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Take her to the ER immediately. Talk to the hospital social worker and start the Medicaid process. The hospital may also have a foundation that could help with expenses. Contact the American Diabetes Foundation. They have resources to help her.

Get her on Extra Help from Social Security to assist with medication costs.
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Get her to the ER as that wound can be infected. ER’s will treat everyone no matter the ability to pay You’ll be glad you did after this is evaluated. Some things are priceless. You can cope with bill later.

But...Nothing if she won’t help herself. Those habits are hard to break.
I would be more worried she is depressed and feels there will be no positive improvement no matter what if her vision is impaired. Maybe she has given up?
Maybe send her to a class on Diabetes? There are classes with lectures and she can listen. Talk with her ask why she ignores her doctor’s guidance. Give her hope to see better days.
There are blood sugar monitors made for blind people that say the result of the blood sugar.
The American Diabrtes Foundation has many multilingual handouts that you can print in big print or read them yourself. There are many resources on that site.
Good luck to you both.
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