My father died in Feb. 2012. My mother draws from him so now she receives his SS. I should be happy her income doubled but WRONG it will cost her to receive the benefits she was receiving. She had caregiving and meds paid for now it will cost her more to get these every month than what she received in her increase in SS, She will have less to actually live on. We were also looking into long term care and now they say she doesn't qualify because of the over limit amount of 102.00. She has dementia and is losing her ability to walk, and has nothing other than her SS. Any advise??
INCOME: If it is that every month they are over the states income limit BUT not enough to pay in full for the NH and qualifies for NH in every other way, then they can see an elder care attorney to do a "Miller Trust" or a "Qualified Income Trust".
Say mom gets 1K from SS & 1,500K from retirement every mo. Income=$2,500. Basically $ 500 over ceiling for monthly income to qualify for Medicaid. No matter what is always is $500 over. So this excess $ 500 is what funds the trust and therefore mom’s income is now 2K and within the states income ceiling for Medicaid. The beneficiary of the trust is state's Medicaid program and upon death reverts to the state. The state gets all the extra money, family has NO say on this. Miller really has to be done by an attorney who does elder law as it needs to be flexible/adaptable and meet the criteria of each state's law on probate (death laws) & Medicaid rules.
Again, Miller HAS to be done by an attorney who knows how to do these so that it can pass Medicaid review and be flexible. If you go on the cheap on this, you could find yourself having to re-do the trust every time the amount of $ received changes as she will be disqualified once the state receives any documentation of changes in $.
For your mom, the $ 102.00 a month funds her trust. Understand?
With NH costs averaging 5K a month, spending the money on an elder law attorney is one of the best Mothers Day gifts you can give your mom!
I have called medicaid and no return calls to give me a reason why I have no coverage.
Appeal, appeal, appeal.
Financially, any unreimbursed medical expenses can be used to decrease his income and qualify him.